Installing Minecraft using LinuxGSM on your Webdock server

Last updated: July 19th 2023


LinuxGSM is an open-source command line tool that enables easy and fast deployment of different game servers. It streamlines the complicated process of hosting a game server by providing detailed instructions on how to set up a server for each game. LinuxGSM supports over 80 games, making it an excellent choice for anyone looking to host a game server.

LinuxGSM supports over 120 games, such as Minecraft, 7 days to Die, Call of Duty 4, Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike Global Offensive, Counter-Strike Condition Zero, Half-Life, Valeheim, and more. You can find a complete list here.

This tutorial will show how to set up a dedicated Minecraft game Server using LinuxGSM. This guide can be considered a blueprint for installing any other games. The process is relatively simple and easy to follow. After this tutorial, your game server should be up and running quickly. Let’s go!


  • A Linux server (I am using clean OS Ubuntu 22.04)
  • A Sudo user
  • A server with a decent amount of RAM and CPUs depending on the game.

Updating your Server

Updating your server and its packages is always the first step you should take when installing applications in Linux. By staying up-to-date, you can avoid any potential errors or broken packages that could cause problems. The following command will not only update but also upgrade necessary packages automatically:

$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

Installing Dependencies

Before installing your server, check that you have all the necessary dependencies. Run this command to install them:

$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386; sudo apt update; sudo apt install curl wget file tar bzip2 gzip unzip bsdmainutils python3 util-linux ca-certificates binutils bc jq tmux netcat openjdk-17-jre

Then, run the following:

$ sudo apt install cpio lib32gcc-s1 lib32stdc++6 libsdl2-2.0-0:i386

Please note that the above dependencies are for Minecraft, and they can defer from game to game. You can always check the dependencies of your game by clicking here.

Installing Gamedig

Gamedig can monitor game servers to ensure they’re online and running correctly and retrieve data about what’s going on with the server, including map changes and the number of players currently connected.

To Install Gamedig, you need to have NodeJS. Install NodeJS using the following commands.

$ curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install nodejs -y

Run the following command to install Gamedig using npm as a sudo user:

$ sudo npm install gamedig -g

Installing LinuxGSM

To start installing LinuxGSM, we need to add a new user. You can always use your default admin user, but it is always a good security measure to have another user:

$ sudo adduser minecrafter

For optimal security, it is best practice to set a strong password. And then, switch to your new user:

$ su - minecrafter

Once you switch to the new user, download LinuxGSM and make it executable:

$ wget -O && chmod +x

Installing the Minecraft Server

Run the following command:

$ bash mcserver

And then, follow the instructions on the screen, after running:

$ ./mcserver install

Once your Minecraft server is installed, start it by running:

$ ./mcserver start

Just enter your server’s IP address in your Minecraft game, unlock the default port on your server if you installed UFW on your server, and Enter The Dragon!


This guide provided step-by-step instructions to install LinuxGSM and start a Minecraft server.

Aayush Nair has been a passionate freelance WordPress designer for the past eight years. He likes to share his knowledge to help and enrich the community in his free time.

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