Kenneth Clausen Assistant Professor, UCL Denmark We are delighted with the excellent collaboration between UCL University College and ApS. This partnership strengthens the work of our students and promotes the interaction between the business community and academia. ApS has opened its doors to our students, providing them with opportunities to participate in realistic projects that prepare them for the future job market. The collaboration between our institution and ApS builds a bridge between theory and practice, ensuring that our education remains relevant and up-to-date. We are grateful for ApS' commitment and professional approach. Together, we support the next generation of professionals and ensure that our education aligns with the needs of the business community. Read more
Rommel Carneiro Professor, PUC Minas Brazil "Webdock offers a flexible and effective platform to create most solutions we need in academic activities with computer science students. Great documentation and easy to use control panel. I see the following Unique Selling Points: - Cost effective solution - Flexibility and technology compatibility - Ease and simplicity of use - Concise and objective platform documentation Read more
Introduction to Web Servers This article provides a comprehensive overview of web servers, including their definition, features, and how they work. The client-server model is explained in detail, highlighting the role of a web server in this process. Popular web servers like NGINX and Apache are discussed, along with Linux servers' demand due to their reliability and adaptability. Overall, this article covers everything one needs to know about web servers when selecting the right one for their website's requirements. 1. Part
The Difference Between HTTP and HTTPS This article provides an in-depth explanation of HTTP and HTTPS, including how they work and their benefits. HTTP is the foundation for communication between computing systems, while HTTPS safeguards data transmission using digital security protocols with cryptographic keys for encryption. The article explains how to get an SSL certificate and why HTTPS is preferred over HTTP due to its authority, conversions, performance advantages, and improved search engine optimization. Overall this article helps readers understand the importance of secure connections when accessing websites on the internet. 2. Part
Understanding HTTP Status Codes and Their Meanings HTTP status codes are three-digit codes that act as a communication channel between the server and your browser, giving you insight into the type of response you're receiving. There are five classifications of HTTP status codes: 1xx - Informative, 2xx - Success, 3xx - Redirection, 4xx - Client error, and 5xx - Server error. By understanding these codes, website owners can quickly identify and troubleshoot issues to ensure their site remains functional and optimized for search engines. 3. Part