Introduction to our Perfect Server Stacks

Last updated: November 10th 2022

One of the advantages of using Webdock is that whenever you provision a server based on one of our standard stacks, you can be sure that you are getting a fully configured, production-ready system.

Webdock engineers review our stacks on a regular schedule and make sure they are fully updated and play nice with our management tools. 

Please note: once you have provisioned a server based on a Webdock Stack, it is up to you to keep it updated thereafter. We only guarantee that the base image you are provisioning from is ready to roll at provision-time.

What software is installed?

Our perfect server stacks include the following software:

  • Latest Ubuntu Server LTS x64
  • Apache (latest) or Nginx (latest)
  • MariaDB (MySQL)
  • MongoDB (disabled by default) / PHP-MongoDB
  • Redis
  • Composer
  • Memcached
  • PhpMyAdmin
  • NodeJS
  • Git
  • Pure-FTPD
  • Unattended security upgrades enabled

Use the menu to choose a stack you are interested in reading more about. We have documented exactly how all components are installed and configured.


Our "Perfect Server" stacks are created based on the following guidelines:

  • Stacks should contain most commonly used Web Server software and packages by default
  • Stacks should be configured using best practices
  • Stacks will be kept up-to-date by Webdock
  • Stacks should be configured to take advantage of all the awesome power Webdock servers provide
  • Stacks should be configured using "production ready" defaults (e.g. PHP, Apache/Nginx and MySQL nitty-gritty settings)

By "production ready" defaults we essentially mean that we tweak only the most important default settings for various components to bring them to a state where the webserver can handle high loads and traffic. We stop short of in-depth optimization of the web server, as optimization settings vary greatly based your particular use case.

Why haven't you included X component??

We have chosen to only include the most commonly used components. Yes, we include Nodejs and Mongodb in addition to LA(E)MP but these are fairly standard in a webserver stack in our opinion. And if you don't use them, simply remove them (it is safe to ignore them). We could have included Beanstalk or PostgreSQL to name a few, but have chosen not to at this point. If you feel we are in error, please be in touch and we might consider including whatever component you hold most dear in future revisions of our stacks.

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