If you like Webdock, please leave a review!

Last updated: January 12th 2023

Got a great quote that describes Webdock?

If you have a great quote which you think captures what Webdock is, send it to us and if we feature it on our front page we will give you 1 year free hosting for our most expensive (premium) server profile :)

We no longer give out credits if you left a review

For a long time we had a policy where we would give out a small 5 Euro credit to users if they left a review, good or bad.

After having to deal with negative feedback where users who had been kicked out of our platform typically highlighted this policy as if we were basically paying for good reviews and bribing our way to a good rating, we decided we had enough of that nonsense. We don't want users out there thinking that all the great reviews and feedback we get from our users is fake, which they are not. So for that reason, we are canceling this policy.

As usual, it's the evildoers of the world who ruin all the good things :(

With that said - we still hope you'll take the time to leave us a review somewhere!

Now that we cannot encourage you with a cash credit, we are hoping you will leave us a good review simply because you like our service. If you do, please leave as many reviews as you like on the sites below. The most important one, in our opinion, is Trustpilot. So if you only want to leave a single review, that would be our best suggestion :)


Leave us a review at Trustpilot - This is our prefered review site. Thanks! 


Leave us a review at Hostadvice.com


Leave us a review at Hostings.info 

Other sites also welcome !

If you know of other good sites to leave reviews on, feel free to do so. Thank you so much for your time and effort :)

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