Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Last updated: February 7th 2025


On this page Webdock Support will continuously add the most frequently asked questions by our customers across our support channels. Usually if you have a question you will find an answer here. The questions are ranked in the order which they are most frequently asked.

How do I access/use SSH or execute commands as root?

Usually you can just use our Web SSH terminal which is quick and easy in Webdock. If you want to use your own SSH client then we have instructions for that as well. Please click here for an overview of all our SSH guides.

Whitelisting WebSSH

If you have firewall rules in place to limit SSH access but still want to use our WebSSH feature to SSH into your servers, you have to whitelist/allow these IPs.

Can install something other than Linux on my server? Windows?

No. Webdock only supports Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, and CentOS as valid operating systems at this time.

Do you support cPanel? Which Control Panels do you support?

Yes, we now support cPanel - please see our installation guide here. 

The Webdock Control Panel has a lot of the same features as cPanel, but is not suitable for shared hosting (multiple websites on a single VPS) - read more about why here.

If you want shared hosting or features the Webdock Control Panel does not have at the moment, we also support a wide range of third party control panels.

How do I Reset / Reinstall my VPS Server?

You can reinstall the software on your VPS server and keep your IP address and server name/domain as-is by simply clicking on the context menu (three small dots) below the Overview card on the main Server Information screen.

I would like to add Disk Space, RAM, IP Addresses or other hardware resources to my server.

In the Webdock dashboard you can seamlessly switch between any of our profiles on the Upgrade/Downgrade screen. We have a Custom Profile interface which will enable you to add bespoke amounts of hardware resources to your server profile. For other resources and add-ons,  please refer to our Additional Products page for information on prices and how to order.

What does cores vs. threads mean? Why can't I have 5 cores and 100 threads for example?

The hardware information for a Webdock VPS is showing you the physical CPU hardware we are giving you access to. You are not limited to the number of threads shown in your VPS hardware profile: That's a misunderstanding of how CPU architectures work.

Our CPU's are Intel Xeon cpus and there, due to something called Hyperthreading, each physical core has exactly two CPU threads. So, when we enable 1 core for a VPS that will always equal 2 threads. A user can spin up more threads than that in software of course, but these threads will then be competing for the same "real" CPU threads

So this is not an artificial limitation - it's just how the CPUs are built physically. 1 phsyical core is always = 2 threads.

In addition what you see as vCPU or virtual CPU with other providers is in fact CPU threads. So when we state you get 5 Cores and 10 Threads - you are getting the equivalent of 10 vCPU.

What do you use for virtualization? KVM, OpenVZ, Zen ?

We primarily use LXD as our hypervisor which gives you extremely good performance at the cost of minor compatibility drawbacks. Your server is just as secure and a lot faster than if we used the more traditional virtualization hypervisors.  We now also support KVM instances with all the Webdock features fully supported.

I am having problems with SSL Certificates / Certbot

Please refer to our Common Certbot Errors & Solutions page.

Can I run more than a single Website on a Webdock server?

The Webdock control panel is - by design - geared towards a single website per Webdock VPS. If you want to have more than 1 website/domains on a Webdock server you have a number of options available, please see this page which outlines all of them.

My Domain Registrar is asking for Nameservers (NS Records) - what do I enter?

Your Webdock server IP address is not your nameserver. Nameservers are supplied by the vendor that sells you the domain typically, or you get this service from a 3rd party. We recommend Cloudflare as it is easy, free and feature-rich.

So, simply sign up to Cloudflare, add your domain there and they will supply you with Nameservers. Finally you'd point A and AAAA records in your DNS Zone to your Webdock server ip, some more info here:

Can I run X software on a Webdock Server?

Please check the requirements of the software you want to run on Webdock. If Ubuntu or Debian is listed as supported, it will most likely run on Webdock.

How do I send / receive email with Webdock?

Please view this page which outlines all your options for sending and receiving email with Webdock.

Why am I getting a 404 Not Found error when visiting my Webdock Server web page?

This simply means that the webserver software on your Webdock server is not aware of the domain you are using to visit the server. For example, if you are viewing your Webdock server with your own domain "" you need to add it to Server Identity (find it in the main Server Menu) and finally run the SSL Certificates tool.

Once you have completed these two steps, adding all the domains you want your webserver to know about, then you will be able to view your website using your own domain in your browser.

Why am I getting a 403 Forbidden error when visiting my Webdock Server web page?

This usually means that you have not set your Web Root to where your files are. If the webserver is pointed to a web root which does not contain any index.php (or index.html or whatever it is configured to look for) it will deny showing a directory listing and instead show a forbidden error.

Of course, you may have some bespoke configuration or script which is returning this HTTP error code, but the first thing to check here is whether your Web Root as set in Webdock is correct.

How do I set reverse-dns for my server?

Anything set as the main domain under Server Identity for your server will automatically be set as the reverse dns ptr record for your server IP address. So, simply update your Server Identity in the Webdock dashboard and you are good to go.

I have lost access to phpMyAdmin

The way our phpMyAdmin installation works is simply that it's installed in /var/www/phpmyadmin and then we symlink to that directory from your web root. If you have lost access, this probably means the symlink was removed. You can fix this by running the Change Web Root tool and just leave the web root entry as-is - this will recreate the symlink - or you can execute the following command (if your web root is /var/www/html - modify accordingly):

ln -s /var/www/phpmyadmin/ /var/www/html/phpmyadmin

Why am I getting an error connecting to my database?

We typically see this happen if the Webdock server has completely run out of disk space. You will see a message along the lines of "Error establishing database connection" or "mysqli::real_connect(): (HY000/2002): No such file or directory".

Start with checking that your server has any free disk space left. If it has run out of disk, an easy way to fix this error is by scaling up your server, then clean up any files using our handy guide and finally scale down the server again. If you do this within 24 hours, this will not cost you a thing due to how our billing system works.

Of course, this error can also show if you have supplied wrong credentials to your application config for your database - in which case, chech that the db name, server (usually "localhost") and username /password are correct. You can usually check this manually by logging in to phpmyadmin with the username and password you are using and check if that user has access to the database you want on your server.

Do you support BGP sessions?

No. We don't support BGP sessions.

I have decided not to use Webdock. Can I get a refund?

If you paid with a credit card with Stripe you will be refunded directly to the card used once you delete your server.

If you pre-paid for Service Credits these are non refundable other than to your Webdock account credit, as is stated on all the screens you went through when you made the payment as well as in our Terms and Conditions.

For more information, please see our information page on Billing & Pricing.

How do I cancel / delete my Webdock Account?

In order to cancel all billable services with Webdock, simply delete any servers you may have in your account. After which you can delete your Account under the Account menu item once logged in.

This will remove all data and knowledge we have of your data as per EU GDPR regulations.

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