How to point your domain to your server using DNS

Last updated: February 20th 2025


It always depends on which DNS provider you have, how their control panel works and what the procedure is, exactly - but in general terms you point A records to your server Ipv4 address and make equivalent AAAA records to your Ipv6 address.

Ususally you enter something like:

A record
Address = @
IP = Your webdock server IPv4

And the same for AAAA records
Address = @
IP = Your webdock server IPv6

And possibly you would then do same for Address = www if you want that subdomain to resolve as well, or any other subdomains you want to point to Webdock.

You can find your server IP addresses on the main Webdock server screen.

Once you are done pointing your DNS, you should use the Server Identity tool for your server in Webdock to tell your server that the domain now points to it. Here you can also check if you have pointed your DNS correctly by using the check functionality. Finally, you should run the SSL Certificates tool as well, to make sure Certbot / Let's Encrypt now generates SSL certificates for your domain and that everything is configured correctly in the webserver VHost config.

Common hosts / DNS provider instructions

Below are some links to instructions on adding DNS records for common hosts and DNS providers. If you use a different hosting or DNS provider that you feel should be included here, please be in touch.

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