Using our Web File Manager

Last updated: May 2nd 2021


If you provision a Webdock server using one of our standard webserver stacks then you will have the option to deploy our Web File manager as an alternative to working with files over FTP (or SFTP/SSH) on the Files & FTP screen for your server. With the File Manager you can edit files on your server directly in your browser. You can upload and download files, create archives for download and much more.

Deploying and accessing the Web File Manager

Deploying and accessing our File Manager is easy:

  1. Click on Files & FTP in the main server menu
  2. Locate the Deploy File Manager button
  3. Follow the log-in instructions on screen.

That's it. If you don't see the Files & FTP menu in your main server menu screen, then that's because you have not provisioned a servers based on our webserver (LAMP/LEMP) stacks. The file manager cannot be deployed on clean Ubuntu OS installs.

You should always remove the File Manager once finished working

You should always disable and delete the File Manager once you have finished working with your files. Despite being password protected, the File Manager is a potential security risk and should always be removed after you have completed your tasks.

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