Part 5: Understanding The Lifecycle of An HTTP Request

Last updated: September 4th 2023


In my last addition to the "Introduction to Web Server Setup & Management" series, I delved into "The Typical Software You Need on Your Linux Web Server". This series aims to comprehensively understand how a web server operates and interacts with its users. By the end of this series, you'll be able to fine-tune your web server to ensure a seamless user experience. Additionally, you'll gain insights into why we created our LAMP/LEMP stacks in the manner we did. This knowledge is applicable across various programming languages and environments, making it a valuable asset to your skill set.

And today, I'll demonstrate the typical journey of an HTTP request, from its starting point to its destination and back again. We'll explore the various components that make up this process and gain a deeper understanding of how it all works. Let’s start!

Parts of an HTTP Request

In order to understand the sequence of events involved in processing an HTTP request, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the various elements comprising the HTML request. Given below are the constituent components of an HTTP request:

  • Request Line: The request Line is the initial line of a request that comprises the HTTP method, resource path, and HTTP version. The HTTP method conveys the action that the client wishes the server to take. The resource path recognizes the specific resource that the client is seeking. Lastly, the HTTP version indicates the version of the HTTP protocol that the client is utilizing.
  • Headers: The request may include additional details in the Headers section. These particulars encompass the IP address of the client, the browser type currently in use, and the Accept header, which outlines the categories of content the client is open to receiving.
  • Body: In this section, the information transmitted from the client to the server is stored. This information can vary from being absent to containing vital data such as a form submission or a file upload.

Here is an example of an HTTP request:

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1


The Lifecycle

Whenever clients want to get information from a server, they go through a series of steps called the HTTP request lifecycle. This process involves several stages that help the client make a request and receive a response smoothly. Here are the steps that make up the lifecycle:

  1. The client (user) initiates a connection with the server by establishing a link on either port 80 or 443, depending on whether they are utilizing HTTP or HTTPS.
  2. Once the client initiates an action, they forward the necessary details to the server, which typically include the specific request method, the Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), and any relevant headers associated with the request.
  3. When the client makes a request, it is sent to the server for processing. The server carefully analyzes the request to extract crucial information such as the request method, the URI, and any request headers.
  4. Upon receiving a request, the server proceeds to carry out the necessary tasks, including pulling data from a database, running specific code, or undertaking other pertinent actions.
  5. After receiving the request, the server prepares a comprehensive reply. This includes the response status code, headers, and body. The server ensures that all necessary information is included and the response is promptly delivered.
  6. After sending the request, the server sends back a response which the client then processes. The client analyzes the response to ascertain the response's status code, headers, and body.
  7. Upon completing their task, the client gracefully terminates the connection with the server, signifying the conclusion of their session.

The process of the HTTP request lifecycle is a straightforward progression that enables clients to initiate requests to servers and obtain responses. This same cycle is also applicable to HTTPS requests.

HTTP request methods


The GET method is one of the most commonly used HTTP methods. It enables clients to retrieve resources from servers by sending requests. These requests can be made with or without parameters, depending on the requested resource type. For example, if a client wants to retrieve a webpage, it can send a GET request to the server with the web page's URL as a parameter. Once the server receives the request, it returns the requested resource to the client.


The POST method is another of web development's most commonly used HTTP methods. It allows clients to send data to the server and create a new resource. For example, when you submit a form on a web page, the data you enter is sent to the server using the POST method. The server then processes the data and creates a new resource, such as a new user account or comment. One important thing to keep in mind when using the POST method is that you should only use it for creating new resources, not for updating or deleting them. This is because each HTTP method has a specific purpose, and using the wrong method can lead to unexpected behavior and security vulnerabilities.


The PUT method is an HTTP request method used to update an existing resource on the server. It is typically used in RESTful API architectures and is one of the most common HTTP request methods in use today. PUT requests typically include a payload in the form of a JSON or XML document, which contains the updated representation of the resource being updated.

One of the primary benefits of using the PUT method is that it allows for idempotent updates. This means that if the same PUT request is sent multiple times, the resulting resource on the server will always be the same. This is because the PUT method replaces the entire resource with the new representation rather than making partial updates. Additionally, PUT requests are typically more secure than other methods, such as GET or POST, as you can only use PUT to update existing resources and not create new ones.


The DELETE method is an essential tool for managing resources on a server. It is typically used in conjunction with other HTTP methods such as GET, POST, and PUT. When a DELETE request is sent to the server, it will remove the specified resource from the system. This can be useful for various scenarios, such as when a user wants to delete their account or when a piece of content needs to be removed from a website.

One important thing to note about the DELETE method is that it is irreversible. Once a resource has been deleted, you cannot recover it. Therefore, it is vital to use this method cautiously and ensure that the resource being deleted is genuinely no longer needed. Not all servers or APIs may support the DELETE method, so it is essential to check the documentation or consult with the server administrator before attempting to use this method.


In conclusion, understanding the phases or lifecycle of an HTTP request is crucial for developers and IT professionals to ensure efficient and secure communication between servers and clients. Each stage plays an essential role in the process, from establishing the connection to transmitting and receiving data. By grasping the underlying mechanics of an HTTP request, developers can optimize website performance, troubleshoot errors, and enhance security protocols. While it may seem daunting initially, breaking down the request into its component stages helps to demystify the process and provides a solid foundation for building robust websites or applications.

Aayush Nair has been designing WordPress websites for eight years now. He is also a content writer, writing blogs on technology and related topics, and likes helping people in his free time.

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