File Manager

Last updated: November 26th 2023


This is a short article on how you can use our file manager to manage your website files.

The File Management Screen

Note: The Files and FTP tool applies only to the Webdock servers running on our LEMP / LAMP stacks. Servers running on clean OS images do not see this tool.

This is how it looks:

Screenshot from 2023-11-26 19-15-50.png

You can deploy the File Manager. Once deployed you'll be shown the login credentials.

Screenshot from 2023-06-14 12-38-23.png

With the file manager, you can do basic tasks like deleting a file from the webroot, zip some files to download, upload a file, etc.

Screenshot from 2023-06-14 12-39-10.png

On the right you can pull, edit, and push the changes to a file. Here, as you can see, I'm editing the php.ini configuration file.

Screenshot from 2023-11-26 19-19-14.png

That's it. This is all you need to get started!


This article showed you can access our web-based file manager and also on quick-edit of some configuration files.

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