Manage PHP

Last updated: November 26th 2023


This article shows how you can change PHP parameters and installed PHP version from the Webdock dashboard.

Manage PHP Screen

Note: The Manage PHP management feature is exclusively for our LEMP /LAMP images. Changing PHP settings will not work on our clean OS images.

This is how it looks:

Screenshot from 2023-11-26 18-40-46.png

In the left card you can change common PHP settings like memory_limit, upload_max_size, and others. From the right card, you can bump up/down the PHP version installed on your server. Webdock takes care of updating the php socket in the default webserver config, and restarts php-fpm. So you need not do any of those things manually :)


This article showed how you can change PHP settings and change PHP version from the Webdock dashboard.