Server Management

Last updated: February 11th 2025


This article briefly overviews what you'd see on the server screen, the management tools we provide, and what you could do with them. Cool stuff :)

Your Server Screen

This is how it looks:



That image shows all the tools we provide. Some are exclusively a part of our LEMP/LAMP stacks.

Server Management Tools

Server Activity

This is where you'd see all the activities that happened regarding/on your server.  

Deployed a script on your server? That event is logged here.

Upgraded your server profile? That is mentioned here too.

Basically, this is like a journal. All events are listed here so that you can later come back and see what have you done.

Upgrade / Downgrade

Here you can upgrade and downgrade your server profile. All profile upgrades happen instantaneously.

Want to upgrade just the storage, or augment the RAM but not the entire profile upgrade? That's possible with the Custom Profiles feature.


Here you can take point-in-time snapshots of your server. The good thing is you need not wait for the snapshots to complete to resume your work. Just initiate a snapshot and continue your work.

Cron Jobs

From here you can new cron jobs to your server. Later you can edit the cron job to suit your requirements.

Server Scripts

You can run any script in the script library on your server, or your own scripts.

Learn more about server scripts here.

Shell Users

Here you can add more shell users to your server. Want to give your developer shell access to your server? This is where you can do it. Simply add a shell user, and assign his public key to your server. That's it.

Manage PHP

From this screen you can upgrade/downgrade the PHP installation on your server. You can modify common PHP parameters like upload_max_filesize and others from this screen as well.

More on this screen here.

Databases (available with stack images only)

In this screen, you can manage your MariaDB database (create/delete) running on your server. You can even make a database remotely accessible just by including the word "remote" in the username.

Check this documentation article for more information.

Manage FTP (available with stack images only)

Access to your server storage via FTP can be managed from here. New FTP users can be created/deleted as well, as per your need.

Want to know how it looks? Check this article.

File Manager (available with stack images only)

From here you can deploy file manager, pull a file and push it after making quick changes. More on file manager screen here.

Server Identity

This tool sets the hostname on your server and also creates rDNS (reverse DNS) for your server. This tool must be run before running the SSL tool.

SSL Certificates

This tool generates Let's Encrypt SSL certs for your domain - certs can be generated for all domains you linked to your server, or just for a single domain, as you wish. 


Manage Addons

Here you can purchase our additional offerings like Managed server addon.

Manage Email

You can send or receive emails using our email add-ons. We provide Postmark for sending emails, and ImprovMX for forwarding incoming emails on your domain to your preferred email.

Manage WordPress

This is a few-clicks tool to install WordPress on your server. On the very same screen, you can lock down your WordPress site to avoid/secure it from hacks.

Manage BotGuard

From here you can install and protect your server from bots using BotGuard.


This article is a brief overview of management tools and addons we provide and what you can do with them.

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