How to install azuracast on Webdock

Last updated: February 19th 2025


azuracast is a popular free and open-source self hosted web radio management suite. This guide shows you how to work around certain issues when installing azuracast on Webdock.


Deploy a new server with a clean  Ubuntu focal  or newer image. Make sure your server has at least 2GB of RAM (as per AzuraCast requirements). Make sure to use the fresh Ubuntu Focal image - meaning that you cannot install azuracast on a system which already has nginx installed. Azuracast MUST run on a separate server from your website server as it is running an LEMP stack (nginx stack) already.

Create new shell user and SSH to your server

Create new shell user. While creating the shell user, on the right side, enable "Passwordless Sudo" and apply the settings.

WebSSH into the webdock server.

Become root by executing:

$ sudo su -

Install azuracast

Follow their official docker installation guide:

When installing, choosing default values (answer yes to everything basically) works.

Now it's time to spin up the containers. Execute

# docker compose up -d

That will start the azuracast containers.


Congratulations you should now have a working azuracast installation. If you have any issues, feel free to comment below or contact Webdock support.

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