How to set up SpinupWP on Webdock

Last updated: March 8th 2025


SpinupWP is a modern cloud-based control panel. It helps you deploy applications on your Webdock server.


  • A fresh Webdock cloud Ubuntu Jammy (Ubuntu 22.04) instance.

Create new shell user and SSH to your server

Create new shell user. After creating the shell user, on the right side, enable "Passwordless Sudo" and apply the settings.

Note: If you want to access your Webdock server using a password instead of SSH keys, then tick Password Based Authentication as well before applying the settings.

Configuring your Webdock server

WebSSH into Webdock server. For SpinupWP to access your server, we need to enable root user access.

Follow one of the methods below (according to the authentication method you chose to access your Webdock server).

If using public keys:

Become root user by executing:

$ sudo su -

Execute the below command to enable root login using public SSH keys.

# sed -i 's/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config

You'll later add the public key you get from SpinUpWP.

Now restart SSH to make the changes.

# service ssh restart

If using password authentication:

In the Webdock dashboard for your server, go to "Shell Users" screen and enable "password authentication".

Then execute the below command to enable root login using password authentication.

$ sudo sed -i 's/#PermitRootLogin prohibit-password/PermitRootLogin yes/' /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Then set a root password using the command:

$ sudo passwd root

After setting the root password restart the SSH daemon using:

$ sudo service ssh restart

Connecting your Webdock server to SpinupWP

Head over to SpinupWP website.

Click Spin Up a New Server. Scroll down and select Other provider.

Since you have already provisioned a server on Webdock, click on I've provisioned a fresh server.

In the panel, provide the name, IP address of your Webdock server, SSH port as 22, SSH Username as root, and the appropriate SSH Authentication method for your case.

  • If using public keys: Set SSH Authentication method to Public Key, execute "sudo su" to make sure you're root user, and then copy/paste the command from the SpinupWP interface into the WebSSH terminal. That will add SpinUpWP's public key to your Webdock server.
  • If using password authentication: Set SSH Authentication method to Password and provide your Webdock server's root password.

Click Next and it should say everything is fine.

Enter the Hostname (any name you like) and select your Timezone followed by Database information. Make sure to save the database root password in a safe place.

Finally, provision the server and it would take about 10 minutes to finish.


Hopefully, your server should be connected to SpinupWP and that should be reflected in the control panel.

Make sure to add the necessary records to your DNS setup.

If you have any issues with the setup feel free to comment below or contact Webdock support.

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