How to Install the Latest Version of HTOP on Ubuntu Server

Last updated: July 29th 2024


This article provides instructions on how to install the latest version of htop on your server as the Ubuntu repos usually have a very much outdated version of HTOP available.

For example, we have observed that the current version of htop from apt reports RAM usage incorrectly in our legacy LXD instances. Installing the latest version will fix this issue. This is how the problem looks in an older version of HTOP.

Screenshot from 2023-09-27 14-11-20.png

Installing the latest version of HTOP

To install the latest version, we grab the latest DEB file from the launchpad site.

Screenshot from 2023-09-27 13-47-37.png

As you can see from the above image, we see the package is available for various architectures. Since Webdock machines are of x86_64 architecture we grab the "amd64" deb file.

To download the deb file, use wget. And install using apt.

$ wget
$ sudo apt install ./htop_3.2.2-2_amd64.deb

You can always grab the latest deb file from the above launchpad page. So make sure you replace the link and the filename during the installation.

That's it. Now you should have the latest version of htop installed. 

You can check the version using:

$ htop --version


This short article provided instructions on how to install the latest version of htop.

Contact Webdock Support if you encounter further issues.

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