How to set up Plesk on Webdock

Last updated: November 10th 2022


Plesk is the leading WebOps hosting platform to run, automate and grow applications, websites and hosting businesses.


  • A fresh Webdock cloud Ubuntu Focal (Ubuntu 20.04) instance.

Create new shell user and SSH to your server

Create new shell user. After creating the shell user, on the right side, enable "Passwordless Sudo" and apply the settings.

Installing Plesk

WebSSH into the Webdock server.

Become root user by executing:

$ sudo su -

Run the below command to install Plesk.

# sh <(curl || wget -O -

Final Step

Wait for the installation to complete. Once done, you will be shown some URL's. Click on either of them to head over to Plesk configuration.

Enter your details: Name, Email, and your Plesk licence, and follow the on-screen instructions.


Hopefully, now you should be able to manage your server from Plesk.

Finally, make sure that your domain points to the IP address of your Webdock server.

If you have any issues with the setup feel free to comment below or contact Webdock support.

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